Compendium of Ten Key Calculators

Here's a list of ten key calculators by brand (in progress, best first, whatever after). These (sometimes called ten key adding machines) are generally of the desktop printing variety—because really how many ten key calculators aren't?—and include all the popular brands with links to the place where you can buy them. A list without links would be kind of stupid, and I like to think I've not been there in a while, or at least since my late twenties.

(Update: Sorry, Amazon kicked me out of their affiliate program because someone used the links here to buy a lot of stuff, and Amazon said that person was someone I knew. (Amazon lied. Because whoever you are, I don't know you.)

That means I had to get rid of the links. So I'm not claiming stupidity for the lack of links: I'm blaming this one on Amazon. They're a junk yard these days anyway, so who really cares? It's much better to buy from the manufacturer or a store where they don't put eight-hundred duplicate products from questionable marketplace sellers in the way of finding what you really need.)

I do plan to update this page at some point with links to better places to buy a calculator. :)

Ten Key Calculators

I'm just one person. Please don't assume I've used all these calculators, because that would be wrong.


Favorite Printing Calculator

Recommended Printing Ten Key Calculator

The SHARP EL-1801PIII is actually sitting on my desk at this very moment. I haven't used a better printing calculator. In fact, I have two of these babies (if you drop the little III at the end). One at the office (1801P) and one in my home office (1801PIII).


Read a short history of adding machines at Wikipedia®

A ten-key calculator is better

...when you need to add or subtract long columns of numbers

...for doing your checkbook

...if you want to add or subtract sales tax from something

...on Fridays

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