Mix It Up, Adding Multiplication and Division
Add, subtract, multipy and divide—let's take the shortest route possible
Using the ten-key to perform a mixed calculation
Okay, so we want to add some numbers and then multipy the result by another value. Why would we want to do this, you ask? Simply put, once you've mastered these concepts, you should have no trouble figuring out all the rest on your own! Isn't that an exciting thought?
So let's get started.
Your calculator is still turned on, isn't it? (Please say yes.)
I sincerely hope you meant that.
- Press: [ C/CE (or C) ] [ C/CE (or C) ]
- Press: [ 6 ] [ + ] [ 5 ] [ + ] [ 9 ] [ + ] [ × ] [ 5] [ = ]
See your total there on the screen now? I hope it shows 100. If it doesn't, start over at #1 above. Be quick about it! We've moved on here. - Press: [ * (or T) ]
Ooh, your number just did an about face on you, didn't it? 20 suddenly appeared where once your 100 glowed. What happened? you wonder.
Here's the deal.
The total you see is the sum of your additions. If you were to press the addition key [ + ] you could keep right on going, even throwing another multiplication or division in there for fun. You see, that total key only works with the addition and subtraction, just as the equals key only works with the multiplication and division (including percents). Just go ahead and clear it all out now. Your calculation was finished when you first pressed the equals sign.
Percentages are special numbers and using them in calculations is fun! Let's give it a go—percents, you can't hide from us >